Blog #8


I really enjoyed the web design assignment. I learned that I am a little more creative than I thought I was. One thing I liked was that it gave you a really good base set up but you could make it your own. One thing I didn’t like was that I couldn’t put my own header picture because I was using the free version. I think everything I learned from this assignment will be very useful for my future career. Teacher or not a lot of occupations require you to have a website. However, as a teacher I know a great program and skills to use for my teacher website.

I learned that Diigo is a great resource to use when annotating articles. I also learned that this a great resource to use to keep all your materials organized and saved in one place. Before I took this class I had no idea what Diigo was. I like that you can share your articles and annotations with those in your class. This application can allow for collaboration between my students in my future classroom. Students can learn from each other by reading others materials and annotations.

Staying up to date with changes in technology is super important. As a teacher you use technology every day in the classroom. It is also your responsibility to keep your students informed when it comes to technology. Therefore, you have to know yourself in order to teach it. Attending occasional trainings can help you stay up to date on the technology trends in education. Reading education blogs is also a great way to stay up to date. Websites such as the one linked are also super informative.


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