Blog Journal #1


Hi my name is Emily Oakes and I am from Orlando Florida. I am a junior at Florida State University majoring in family and child sciences with a minor in education and psychology. My career goals are to be guidance counselor at a high school.  I grew up playing softball, I love sports and the outdoors. I love hanging out with my friends and family. H

I have had various uses of technology in the education setting. The most common being canvas, word, and PowerPoint. I am not the most advanced when it comes to technology, but I know enough. I am good at both PowerPoint and word. I struggle more with excel. One of my newer technology experiences in my education is zoom. Zoom took a little getting used to but it is very user friendly.

I have a few learning resources I use to support my learning. One that I use a lot is peers and classmates that I have classes with. I enjoy studying with my peers and seeing the material from other points of view. Another resource I use a lot when it comes to studying for tests is quizlet. I like making my own quizlets or studying ones on the information I am learning.


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