Blog Post #2

I have used Microsoft Word a lot over the years of my education. I have used it the most in my college years but also a lot during my time in high school.  I prefer to use Microsoft word over other software’s most of the time. Microsoft word is very user friendly and easy to maneuver. The only time I prefer to use a software such as google dox is if it’s something I am working with others on. This is because it is easier for multiple to edit documents on google dox.

The standard that is most important to me is 2.2b. This standard is about using your role as a teacher to speak up about getting the technology resources students need to meet each of their needs. Equity is something that I believe is so important in the education field. Not every child’s needs or resources are the same. Each student should have what they need to succeed. Technology and digital content have become a huge part of education. However, there are some students who can’t afford a laptop or do not have Wi-Fi at home. These students should still get the same opportunities as those who can afford these things. The education system and school need to provide these students with the resources they are in need of.

I feel like the term digital natives is a good way to describe today’s youth. Digital natives are people who were born when digital technology was already around. Students my age and even more for the one’s younger have never lived in a time where technology wasn’t used. Over the years technology use has only gotten heavier. Personally, I have had to help some of my teachers and professors use technology in the classroom. I think as the younger generations become teachers the technology gap between teachers and students will shrink. This is because more and more “digital natives” are now becoming teachers. As with anything there will always be a small gap because the youth is always more up to date on trends and technology, but it will not be as big of a gap as it was.

"Computing Sciences outreach program for high school students"
by: Berkeley Lab
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  1. Hi Emily,

    I have used Microsoft Word mostly in my college and high school years to complete assignments too. I also share the same preference of using Microsoft Word for most assignments, but prefer to use Google Docs in group assignments. I would also say that using the word "digital native" as most children today are born with technology at their fingertips. I think the teacher gap will shrink as people from our generation become the next wave of teachers.


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