Blog #10
In the future I plan to teach 2 nd grade general education. I plan to use surveys to track their progress. I would use it to see what they know before and after lessons. This will also allow me track the effectiveness of my lesson giving. The topics I found most interesting when reviewing my classmates’ blogs is the diversity. None of the websites or blogs I saw where the same. Everyone has their own sense of style and their own creativity, and it shows. I really enjoyed looking at my classmate’s website designs. We all had the same directions, yet all put it together differently and I love that. I think it really speaks about education in general were all doing the same thing, yet we all have our own way of doing it. While I do not have any experience with digital badges and tech flex I read about them. I think it is a a great idea. It’s a great way to get involved and get excited about educational technology. It’s a great way to bring and keep fun in learning. The techno...