
Blog #10

  In the future I plan to teach 2 nd grade general education. I plan to use surveys to track their progress. I would use it to see what they know before and after lessons. This will also allow me track the effectiveness of my lesson giving. The topics I found most interesting when reviewing my classmates’ blogs is the diversity. None of the websites or blogs I saw where the same. Everyone has their own sense of style and their own creativity, and it shows. I really enjoyed looking at my classmate’s website designs. We all had the same directions, yet all put it together differently and I love that. I think it really speaks about education in general were all doing the same thing, yet we all have our own way of doing it. While I do not have any experience with digital badges and tech flex I read about them. I think it is a a great idea. It’s a great way to get involved and get excited about educational technology. It’s a great way to bring and keep fun in learning. The techno...

Blog Post #9

  Personally, this semester has been a lot better than other past semesters of distant learning. Due to covid I got used to being online and got a lot more comfortable with distant learning. One big thing that I like about distant learning is that I can work on my own pace at my own time. With work and other things in life this is a huge help. One thing I do not like about distant learning is that you don’t get to interact with your classmates and professors the same way you do in class. When I am a teaching the one thing I plan to do to help improve my students distant learning experience is communication. I think communication is the biggest way to fill the gap lost between in person class and distant learning. Letting your students know that even if you are not there in person with them that you are still there for them. Open educational resources are educational materials that are open to anyone. The website I linked is a list of open educational resources. The list is organi...

Blog #8

  I really enjoyed the web design assignment. I learned that I am a little more creative than I thought I was. One thing I liked was that it gave you a really good base set up but you could make it your own. One thing I didn’t like was that I couldn’t put my own header picture because I was using the free version. I think everything I learned from this assignment will be very useful for my future career. Teacher or not a lot of occupations require you to have a website. However, as a teacher I know a great program and skills to use for my teacher website. I learned that Diigo is a great resource to use when annotating articles. I also learned that this a great resource to use to keep all your materials organized and saved in one place. Before I took this class I had no idea what Diigo was. I like that you can share your articles and annotations with those in your class. This application can allow for collaboration between my students in my future classroom. Students can learn fro...

Blog #7

  Each teacher page is a little different however there is some information that stays consistent through them all. Contact information is the biggest thing that I saw on all of the pages I viewed. A few of them listed materials and class resources. There are a few with bios about themselves or the classes they teach. Some them are more detailed and creative than others for instance one that I saw was a English class. This teacher has pictures, links and descriptions of all the books and articles they will read that year. I will use technology to help me stay on track to be productive and efficient. Google drive is a productivity tool that I see myself using in the future. Google drive will allow me to keep all of my documents, spread sheets, slides and more all in one place. Making it easier and more time efficient for me. Keeping an online calendar such as google ca...

Blog #4

I choose second grade because this is the age group of kids I would like to work with. The standard I choose was “LAFS.2.RI.2.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently”. I feel that I have the knowledge needed to implement this standard in a classroom. Since I choose second grade they are learning the basic skills, these are skills that I have had a lot of practice with. I believe I could find some fun ways to make sure my students meet these standards, I chose second grade math for my class. The resource that I found was an interactive video and lesson about value. There was a video giving the objective at the beginning then went into the lesson. You have to complete each video and step before moving on. I would use this tool in my classroom because it a fun way to learn math. On top of that it also gets students using the computer and learning ...

Blog #3

Copyright is a way for people to protect their work. It requires anyone that uses their work to give them credit. Fair use allows educators to use copywritten materials to an extent for education purposes. As a teacher I may use other materials as reference or inspiration but make sure to make it my own. If I use articles or videos in my PowerPoints, I will make sure that I site them correctly and give credit to the creator. Cyberbullying is something that both students and teachers have to deal with that 10 years ago didn’t really exist. With the increase of social media use at all ages bust mostly school aged cyberbullying can hurt a lot of students. A possible solution to this is to raise awareness encourage parents to monitor student’s social media use. Provide information to both parents and students about what cyberbullying is, how and where is occurs. When cyberbullying occurs take action. There should be clear guidelines of the punishment that will occur if a student is caugh...

Blog Post #2

I have used Microsoft Word a lot over the years of my education. I have used it the most in my college years but also a lot during my time in high school.  I prefer to use Microsoft word over other software’s most of the time. Microsoft word is very user friendly and easy to maneuver. The only time I prefer to use a software such as google dox is if it’s something I am working with others on. This is because it is easier for multiple to edit documents on google dox. The standard that is most important to me is 2.2b. This standard is about using your role as a teacher to speak up about getting the technology resources students need to meet each of their needs. Equity is something that I believe is so important in the education field. Not every child’s needs or resources are the same. Each student should have what they need to succeed. Technology and digital content have become a huge part of education. However, there are some students who can’t afford a laptop or do not have Wi-Fi...